100 Books You Must Read Before You Die [volume 1] (Black Horse Classics)
This 1st volume of "100 Books You Must Read Before You Die" contains the following 50 works, arranged alphabetically by authors' last names:
Little Women [Louisa May Alcott]
Emma [Jane Austen]
Father Goriot par [Honoré de Balzac]
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall [Anne Brontë]
Wuthering Heights [Emily Brontë]
Tarzan of the Apes [Edgar Rice Burroughs]
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [Lewis Carroll]
My Ãntonia [Willa Cather]
Don Quixote [Miguel Cervantes]
The Awakening & Other Short Stories [Kate Chopin]
Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure [John Cleland]
The Moonstone [Wilkie Collins]
Heart of Darkness, Nostromo [Joseph Conrad]
The Last of the Mohicans [James Fenimore Cooper]
Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders [Daniel Defoe]
Great Expectations [Charles Dickens]
The Idiot, Crime and Punishment [Fyodor Dostoyevsky]
The Hound of the Baskervilles [Arthur Conan Doyle]
The Count of Monte Cristo [Alexandre Dumas]
Middlemarch [George Eliot]
Madame Bovary, Salammbô [Gustave Flaubert]
A Room with a View, Howards End [E. M. Forster]
The Sorrows of Young Werther [Johann Wolfgang von Goethe]
Dead Souls [Nikolai Gogol]
The Iliad & The Odyssey [Homer]
The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Les Misérables [Victor Hugo]
Crome Yellow [Aldous Huxley]
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow [Washington Irving]
The Portrait of a Lady [Henry James]
Ulysses [James Joyce]
The Rainbow [D.H Lawrence]
Arsène Lupin [Maurice Leblanc]
The Monk [Matthew Lewis]
Babbitt [Sinclair Lewis]
The Princess of Cleves [Madame de la Fayette]
Bel-Ami Guy de Maupassant]
Gargantua [Rabelais]
The Confessions [Rousseau]
The Red and the Black [Stendhal]
Vanity Fair [William Makepeace Thackeray]
War and Peace [LeoTolstoy]
Fathers and Sons [Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev]
A Journey into the Center of the Earth [Jules Verne]
Nana [Emile Zola]
In the 2nd volume of "100 Books You Must Read Before You Die" you will find the remaining 50 works.