1000 sqft Diamond Radiant Barrier Solar Attic Foil Reflective Insulation 4x250 by AES
Product Specifications Meets ASTM C1313 Standard Specifications for Sheet Radiant Barriers for Building Construction Applications Product Description Two-sided reflecting metalized film with polyester scrim reinforcement Weight 14.5 lbs per 1000 sq ft roll Tensile/Tear Strength Length: 2.32 pounds force Width: 1.50 pounds force ASTM D2261 Pliability 70°F±5°F & 50±5% Relative Humidity - No Cracking or Delamination ASTM C1313-05 Adhesive Performance 180°F±5°F & 50% Relative Humidity - No Bleeding or Delamination ASTM C1313-05 Flame Spread & Smoke Class A/ Class 1 0 Flame Spread, 10 Smoke Development ASTM Method E84-10 Resistance to Fungi PASS - No Growth ASTM C1338-08 Permiability 9.6 Perms ASTM E96-05 Thermal Properties EMISSIVITY: 0.05 REFLECTIVITY: 95% ASTM C1371-04a