Excellent for Romantic Era, Civil War Era, Victorian Era Dresses
Excellent for Civil War Era, Victorian Era, Wild West Era Hats
Fabulous for English Civl War dress, Revolutionary war dress
Lovely for Victorian, Titanic Era, Early Boating, Southern Belle, Civl War hats.
This Bonnet is wide brimmed and the crown has extra space to fit the top knot hairstyle of the decade. View A is a fabric covered bonnet inspired by an 1830 plate in the Towsend's Monthly magazine. The silk fabric that covers the outside of the brim is sheared in rows, the outside brim is covered with knife pleated silk. The bavolet has a small ruffle, The pattern includes instructions on how to alter the crown sides pattern to increase the height of the crown. Which could easily be increased another 2" and still be in "la Mode" for the 1830's. View B is a muslin bonnet inspired by a drawing in "The Mode in Hats and Headdresses" by Ruth Turner Wilcox. This bonnet has a straw covered outside brim and a sheared linen covered inside brim. The crown is soft with no buckram and the rows of gathers on the crown sides are filled with cotton tubing. The ruffle is optional and the bonnet shown in "the mode in Hats and Headdresses" did not have a ruffle. View C is shown here in straw and has the same shape. This bonnet was made by covering the buckram base with straw. The strips of straw where sewn side by side and not overlapping. There is a second layer of 4 rows at the brim edge and the row of trim was sewn next to those rows. The crown tip has 8 rows of straw that crisscross near the base to leave an open area in the center. The curtain made up of four rows of straw where sewn with no buckram base. Then it was dyed and the pieces where sewn together. Sheared rows of ribbon cover the inside of the brim. View C is shown here as a fabric covered hat has the same shape. This version of View C has a covering of sheared silk on the crown sides and the inside brim is covered with silk sheared in rows.The crown lining is also sheared and there is a little ruffle along the edge. The pattern also includes a pattern for a silk cap that can be worn without the hat indoors or under the hat outdoors.