19 High-Impact Study Hacks: Learn the Techniques Top Students Use To Get Amazing Grades & Cut Study Time in Half
In my years as a college instructor, there was one common theme in all of my classes: students didn’t know how to study! Most people were just winging it.
It wasn’t because they weren’t smart, talented people. They were. The problem was that in all of their years of school, no one had taken the time to teach them how to learn things efficiently.
I want to change that. Because here’s a secret…
If you study correctly, not only is it MUCH less work, but you’ll also get WAY better grades (and perhaps even have a bit of fun).
Take it from me…
I have two bachelor’s degrees and a master’s degree. While I was getting my master’s degree, I had three jobs. And let me tell you something: if you have three jobs while you’re getting a master’s degree, you are virtually forced to come up with some study hacks or you’ll go insane!
I was also a college instructor for many years, and during that time, I was working as a professional tutor. All told, I’ve coached hundreds and hundreds of students into better grades.
Now I want to teach you.
What will you learn?
Discover how to cut study time in HALF.
Who really likes to study? Not me! Luckily, you probably don’t have to be studying nearly as much as you probably are right now. Because here’s a secret: the top students don’t study as much. They just study more effectively.
Understand the MINDSET of an ultra-successful student.
There are tons of different study strategies out there. However…
Most of those strategies can’t be applied to everyone. Want to know why? Because studying isn’t about flash cards or formulas or any other “tipâ€.
Studying the right way is a whole different type of approach. It’s a WAY of learning, remembering, and interacting. Even more than that, studying the right way includes a lot more than just preparing for tests. There are social, biological and psychological elements to it.
To really study like an A+ student, you have to change the way you THINK about school.
Learn 19 study habits that will totally reshape how you think about school.
Here are just a few of the things you’ll learn.
How to write papers in half the time
Why you shouldn’t take notes in class
The best way to talk to your professors
What you should eat before a test
How thinking dirty thoughts can help you learn
Why everything you’ve been told about Wikipedia is wrong
When you should be reading (hint: it’s not after class)
How professors grade you
Why your body loves to learn when it’s tired
Exactly how many sources it takes to write a killer paper
And much, much more!
And guys… these only take FIVE minutes. What’s not to love?
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