"1958 Chevrolet Truck Shop Manual" This is a high-quality reprint of the same manual that a Chevrolet dealer mechanic would use to service your pickup. It contains complete information on the construction, maintenance, and repair of all the automotive systems of Chevy vehicles. You will find step-by-step instructions for lubrication, body, frame, suspension, rear axle, brakes, engine, cooling system, clutch, forward control, transmission, fuel & exhaust, steering, wheels, tires, sheet metal, four wheel drive and the electrical system. Lots of clear black and white pictures, illustrations, wiring diagrams and specifications clarify the instructions. The manual covers all 1958 Chevrolet trucks, including pickup, panel, platform, suburban, light, medium and heavy duty truck models including ½-ton, ¾-ton, 1-ton, 1 ½-ton, 2-ton, 2 ½-ton, Cameo, Conventional, Low Cab Forward, Forward Control, Tandem Axle, & School Bus. If you have a 1959 model, you'll need this book in along with the 1959 supplement. NEW condition! Over an inch thick. Buy now to own the best manual for your truck.