Carries a natural blend of 6 essential oils that go deep into your joints and muscles
With German chamomile, lavender, rosemary, peppermint, eucalyptus and birch bark
No dyes or perfumes, alcohol free, absorbs quickly
Begin feeling relief instantly
Elicina snail cream, an original product from Chile, it is organic, natural and hypoallergenic. Elicina contains 80% snail secretion. It was discovered that the snail secretion would heal wounds, did not become infected, and would quickly heal scar-free. • Elicina diminishes and softens: wrinkles, scars. queloids. burms. age & sun spots, stretch marks, acne and warts. • Elicina is an organic cosmetological cream. • It has rapid absortion. It does not stain your clothes or skin if exposed to sunlight. • No snails are harmed at all. People of all ages can use Elicina