XJD 3 in 1 Kids Tricycles for 1-3 Years Old Kids Trike 3 Wheel Toddler Bike Boys Girls Trikes for Toddler Tricycles Baby Bike Trike Upgrade 2.0
Country | USA |
Brand | XJD |
Department | unisex |
Label | GLAF |
LegalDisclaimer | Question: The wheels are plastic or rubber? Answer:This kids tricycle wheels is PP,very sturdy. Question: My daughter is 3 years old,can i buy it? Answer:Yes,our kids trike is recommended for kids'tall 35.4 inch and up to ride. Question:Is baby balance bike or kids tricycles? Answer:This toddler tricycle can be used balance bike and kids tricycles. Question:Does it fold for storage? Answer:of course,this is a foldable kids tricycle. Question: This kids tricycles is stable? Answer:The kids trike very stable,made of sturdy steel frame and stable triangular structure,very safe. Question: I wan to know this kids trike work ok on gravel or dirt roads? Answer:It's ok,this kids tricycle is well worth the buy for children. Question: This kids tricycle can be used outdoors? Answer:Yes,of course,this kids and toddler tricycles very sturdy and safe. |
Manufacturer | GLAF |
MPN | LJ-AS003 |
PartNumber | LJ-AS003 |
Publisher | GLAF |
Size | 25.59'' x 19.68'' x 15.7'' |
Studio | GLAF |
ReleaseDate | 0000-00-00 |