MULTI-SIGNATURE : HW.1 can be used with multi-signature wallets for communities or enterprises needs in treasury management.
EDITIONS: Ledger HW.1 exists in "Classic", "Multisig" or "Enterprise" editions depending on your intended use, with free updates.
BACKUP & RESTORATION: In case of loss, you can restore it on any Ledger Wallet (Nano or another one) or all other compatible solutions (BIP 39).
SECURITY: Your bitcoins are secured by a microchip locked by a PIN code. Transactions are verified by an anti-malware second factor.
MALWARE PROOF: Even on a compromised computer, you can authenticate each payment with your second factor security card, or through push notifications on your smartphone (Ledger Authenticator Android/iOS app).
Ledger HW.1 Enterprise solution for multi-signature HW.1 is the abbreviation for "Hardware Wallet": It is a Bitcoin wallet on a small smartcard device, for personal or group use. With a minimalist design and enterprises features, Ledger HW.1 is a secure wallet for low budgets. A PROFESSIONAL WALLET ADAPTED TO YOUR NEEDS Suited for enterprise uses, Ledger HW.1 is the baseline smartcard hardware wallet for professional and team needs, a secure Bitcoin wallet for multi-signature transactions. With HW.1 you can store safely your bitcoins offline, and make everyday payments online. It is provided in pack of one HW.1 (Classic), or in three-packs (HW.1 Multisig) or ten-packs (HW.1 Enterprise). Each pack contains a HW.1 chip, a security key and a recovery sheet. MULTI-SIGNATURE FOR BEST PRO BENEFITS Multisig spending increase the difficulty of stealing your bitcoins, as several keys are required for each payment. It can also be used for wallets shared by multiple people where a quota is required to spend the coins. You can use your Ledger HW.1 on any computer, PC, Mac or Linux. Simple to use, you connect it directly to a USB port to manage your account, to protect your bitcoin and to make safe payments.