Wedding Bouquets Bridal Bouquet valentines decorations home decorations for living room
Great for gift for monther andf girlfriend and party home decor
Package include: 20 Pcs PU Calla Lily
1.Perfect for bridal flowers, bridesmaid bouquet, Wedding party decorations, home decoration 2.Artificial white and purple flowers 3.Material:PU. Primary Flower: Calla Lily 4.Size: 35cm high, 5cm flower head across (ABOUT) 5.Quantity:20pcs This package comes as 20 head bunches put together to make the 20 head bunch.good for wedding bouquets TIPS You get them with a simple package, please take care of it slightly, and if you feel a little smell,do not worry, it will disapeared when you take them out of the package one or two days.