TWO Hits (including at least ONE Autograph card) per box!
Each sealed box contains 24 packs of 7 cards each in a 90 card set. >>> Each box contains TWO Hits (including at least ONE Autograph card). Parallel sets: Blue (#'d to 99), HOBBY ONLY Silver (#'d to 25), Gold (#'d to 10), 1-of-1 Black, and 1-of-1 Printing Plates.
Inserts: Hometown Heroes 1:1, Legends, Intercontinental Championship Anniversary, Women's Evolution, Ronda Rousey Spotlight Continuation, Commemorative Raw Championship (#'d to 299, parallels > #'d to 99 or less), Autographs (parallels > #'d to 99 or less; Triple > #'d to 10, 1-of-1 Black parallel; Intercontinental Champions & Women's Evolution), Relics Autographs (#'d to 10), Kiss Autographs (parallels > #'d to 10 & 1-of-1), Relics (#'d to 199, parallels > #'d to 99 or less), Kiss (parallels > #'d to 25 or less), Women's Evolution Relics, Commemorative Intercontinental Championship, Women's Evolution Relic Autographs (#'d to 10), Commemorative Intercontinental Championship Autographs (#'d to 10), and Commemorative Raw Championship Autograph (#'d to 10).