Living a Life of Faith: 21 Days of Faith Challenge
I want to live a life of faith. I want my faith to be more than simply saying "I believe in God." I want it to be real...a genuine faith that overflows from a heart that is fully trusting in God in every area of my life. Therefore, I embarked on a 21 Days of Faith Challenge.
And now I want to share what I learned with you in the short, but powerful book.
What to Expect On Each Day of the Challenge:
Read my personal stories, struggles and reflections. Read at least one scripture and one quote about faith. Apply one personal application step.
Get Encouragement
Along with the 21 day challenge, I also started a private Facebook group to provide a place to share what you are learning and receive encouragement. You will get access to this group as well.
Will you join us?
What about you? Will you consider joining me in this 21 Days of Faith Challenge? Are you ready to surrender your worries and doubts to God?
If so, scroll up and click "buy" to embark on this 21 days of faith challenge with us!