Research shows that it takes 21 days to develop a habit. That’s 21 days of doing something that can contribute to your health, wealth, happiness and wellbeing. And that’s the exactly what this little book is going to do for you. By committing to practicing all the 21 things that I share with you not only will you build the habit of happiness, but you will also become more disciplined and you will focus on building other new positive habits in different areas of your life. If you tell your mind that you want to try something for 21 days it will most likely be willing to co-operate. 21 days doesn’t feel like a very long time. After you have completed your 21 days, your conscious mind will have the choice of stopping or carrying on with these healthy and positive practices... or at least that’s what it thinks. Your neural pathways have been formed already and chances are that you will continue with the new healthy habits. You have seen the benefits along the way and your unconscious mind will want to continue if it has been beneficial.
Happiness, just like everything else in life, takes time, takes practice and takes work but the rewards are endless. And once you truly commit to crafting your life in a way that will make you happy, nothing and no one will be able to stand in your way.