261 North American Indian Designs (Dover Pictorial Archive)
Over the centuries, the Indian tribes of the North American continent evolved a rich design heritage of imaginative, symbolic, often striking and witty images and motifs. This collection assembles a broad range of these designs, including abstract and floral motifs as well as human, animal, and mythical figures. Adapted from textiles, wood carvings, ceramics, and other traditional craft forms, the designs are the work of the Sioux, Blackfoot, Apache, Cheyenne, Navajo, Hopi, Algonquin, Seminole, Kwakiutl, Ute, Menominee, and Micmac peoples, among many others. Now available in this inexpensive pictorial resource, these permission-free designs are ideal for bringing the flavor of Native American art and culture to a wide range of art and craft projects.