3 Keys to Defeating Unconscious Bias: Watch, Think, Act
Have you ever had a biased thought? If the answer is “yes,†join the club. Everybody has biases and, although that doesn’t make us bad people, it does mean we compromise our ability to get along with people who are different from us. The good news is, there’s a lot we can do to defeat bias. Calling on Dr. Sondra Thiederman’s twenty-five years of experience in the diversity/inclusion field, the book lays out an innovative WATCH, THINK, ACT strategy that each of us can immediately apply to the task. Easy-to-read and filled with anecdotes and activities, 3 Keys shows the reader: • How to WATCH their thoughts, experiences, and actions to identify unconscious biases and target them for extinction. • How to THINK in such a way as to weaken and control our biases. • How to ACT to defeat our biases and cultivate the kind of common ground that we know to be inhospitable to the survival of bias. Designed to motivate real change, the answer to defeating our biases is in these pages. The rest is up to you. “Simplicity at its finest. We all have those moments of truth when we recognize a bias in our thinking. Sondra’s book gives us a refreshingly practical way to call bias out and change our behavior to defeat it.†— Grace Figueredo, Vice President, Workplace Culture, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, Aetna, Inc.