Joy starts here, with you. You are designed for joy. Joy is God’s gift to you. Joy moves your marriage to reach its full potential. Joy changes everything. Chris and Jen Coursey created the new Thirty Days of JOY handbook so that busy married couples thrive. If you are like most married couples, your plate is full. Your calendar is booked. Your to-do list is long. Somewhere in the middle of all the hurry and flurry many couples feel their marriage has lost some flavor. This wasn’t planned, but joy levels are not what you want or dreamed they would be. Whatever your situation, this interactive handbook is designed for fifteen minutes of practice each day. Every exercise uses elements of Life Model Works brain and character skills, the Immanuel Lifestyle and more to transform your marriage. Each exercise contains instructions, bonus questions, Chris and Jen’s thoughts and additional resources. After practicing the exercises the Coursey’s concluded, “We must do this again!â€