Tuscany is the second book in the 30,000 B.C. Chronicles, an adventure series of love and exploration in a world dominated by mammoth and wolf pack. Time travelers from the dried-out, over-populated year of 2233 are shipwrecked on a European continent that is a sea of green, a sensory overload of natural beauty. The story picks up in the hills of Provence and reaches a rousing climax with a pitched battle along the banks of the River Arno, in the heart of where the beautiful Italian city of Firenze (Florence) will one day be built. A backdrop for the book’s action, are its brilliantly imaginative views into a pristine world of continent-sized forests, 20-foot-tall mammoth, wolf pack and bison herds without end. Running with the clans, the modern travelers find that many of life’s questions are eternal. The quest for love and comfort, the fear of death, the gut-wrenching sorrow of loss, the joy of birth and creation, and the richness of a good laugh were no less a part of humanity in 30,000 B.C. than they will be in 2233.