31 Prayers For My Future Husband: Preparing My Heart for Marriage by Praying for Him (Engaged Couples Devotional,Engagement Gift for Couples, How To ... Husband & Wife, Christian Marriage books)
Marriage is one of the greatest gifts God ever gave to mankind, besides His son Jesus. In the Garden of Eden, God said that it was not good that man was alone, so He created Eve out of Adam's side (Genesis 2). Desiring a counterpart and oneness with another person is built into the deepest and oldest parts of our human nature. God also tells us in His Word to present all of our requests to Him (Philippians 4:6). We want to encourage you and your desire for marriage by urging you to pray for your heart and the heart of your future spouse. 31 Prayers For My Future Husband was written for single women who desire the intimacy of marriage, women currently in a serious relationship, and women who are engaged, planning for their special day! This is a great resource to help teenagers purpose their hearts for what God has for their future marriage or anyone else who feels strongly about getting married and cares for the heart of their future spouse.As you seek God's will for you and your future husband, as you patiently prepare for your wedding day, we challenge you to begin to be the prayer warrior that God desires you to be. This book has been written to be a starting place and/or guide to help you begin your lifelong journey of praying for your future husband and marriage. You don't need to wait until after you're married to start praying for him. Start today.