3D Printing Failures: 2019 Edition: How to Diagnose and Repair ALL Desktop 3D Printing Issues
This book has been entirely revamped and rewritten to encompass all of the updates in the 3D printing industry. Over 50% longer than the previous edition, this 2019 version of 3D Printing Failures has 8 new chapters, dozens of updated photographs, and has each chapter rewritten. Whether you are new to 3D printing, or you have dozens of successful prints under your belt, this book is going to help you! Sean Aranda and David Feeney have hundreds of thousands of successful 3d printing hours combined, so let them help you achieve consistent clean prints.Â
The failures that are discussed in great detail by chapter are:Â
* Bed AdhesionÂ
* Build Plate Not HeatingÂ
* Build Plate Not Reading Correct TemperatureÂ
* Built Up Material in NozzleÂ
* Extruder Stepper Skipping * Filament SnappingÂ
* Ghosting
* Hotend Can't Reach or Maintain TemperatureÂ
* Hotend Not HeatingÂ
* Hotend Not Reading Correct TemperatureÂ
* Layer ShiftsÂ
* LCD Blank or DarkÂ
* Mandatory Maintenance
* Materials and their Settings
* Model ErrorsÂ
* Not Finding HomeÂ
* Nozzle ClogsÂ
* Over ExtrusionÂ
* Parts Not Mating TogetherÂ
* Poor Layer Adhesion
* Print Pauses Mid Print
* Quality OptionsÂ
* Running Out of FilamentÂ
* Settings IssuesÂ
* Stepper Motors Overheating or Malfunctioning
* Stripped FilamentÂ
* Unlevelled Build PlateÂ
* WarpingÂ
* Z-Axis WobbleÂ
* Z-Height IssuesÂ
* And much more!