LITE'N UP Reusable Cigarette Filter .. The easier way to cut back .. The LITE'N UP patented system is designed to reduce the harmful effects of smoking without losing taste or satisfaction. Enjoy your favorite cigarette while you cut back your tar and nicotine intake by 90%. The LITE'N UP filter works two ways to trap and dilute harmful tars and nicotine before they can ever reach you. LITE'N UP FILTERS trap the worst part of any smoking product: the TAR! These filters are re-usable and when you clean them and see all the nasty black tar that could be in your lungs instead of inside the filter, it's a real eye opener. They are easy to clean with Q-tips and pipe cleaners. You can also use a toothpick to clean the small air holes. LITE'N UP FILTERS are a great way to reduce your nicotine addiction in preparation to quit smoking.