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United States: 7-15 working days by USPS from China, OR you can choose FBA free shipping in fast shipping service . This item is the complete LCD display with Touch Screen Digitizer assembly repair replacement for
5 Inch Repair Replacement LCD Display+touch Screen Digitizer for Garmin Nuvi 50 50LM 52 52t 52lt 52lm 52lmt 54 54lt 54lm 54lmt 2515 2545 2555 2595 2597 2597lt 2597lm 2597lmt 2575 2557lt 2557lm 2557lmt 2460 2460LMT 1410 1450 1460 1490 1490t 1490tv 1450lmt 1490lmt, in good condition and tested working, easy to install, just plug into the board, no soldering required, ideal replacement part for your broken, cracked, damaged, faulty Garmin screens.