7 Costly Mistakes Champions Avoid Before Competitions: For Golfers: What you should NOT do to be mentally prepared for your competition.
Many competitive golf athletes aren't aware that their Pre-Game Mentality affects their performance during the game/competition.
This e-book will be talking about the 7 costly pre-competition and pre-game mistakes - What you should NOT do to be mentally prepared for competition.
About the Author
Hansen Bay has been involved with sport, fitness and education for more then 20 years. Armed with a BA physical Education and BSc Psychology, he is also a certified mental game Coach and hypnotherapist.
He has worked with athletes ranging from kids to state players competing at international events. He is also the coach for Goalball Men's team and regularly make use of this Paralympics game for the blind to teach sighted athletes the mental skill associated with focus, confidence and trust.
An avid sportsman, he continues to practice golf for leisure.