99 Unspoken Rules of Social Etiquette: Are you rude and don't even know it?
The humorous and blunt, straightforward style of this book will make you an etiquette pro in no time! Included in this book are 99 of the most important, yet most frequently broken unspoken rules of etiquette expected in the American culture.
If you want to learn about the proper order of use of all the forks they set up at those fancy banquet dinners, then you should buy another book. This book teaches you about manners and proper behavior with others, it’s the unspoken rules of every day life that matter most.
You are out with friends or co-workers sharing a pizza pie, who gets the last slice?
You are having the time of your life on a first date and then the check comes. Who pays? Want to have that second date? Don’t break this rule!
Learn what you must do before you send another e-mail or leave another voicemail to a friend or for business.
The “dos†and “don’ts†for dealing with your crazy in-laws, plus other rules on the topic of family matters.
And yes, table manners, the public bathroom code, office/job etiquette, and rules for being a good host and a proper guest are covered as well.
Plus, the surprising and unexpected Unspoken Rule #99 is a game changer.