A Biblical Approach to Developing the Inner Qualities of a Leader
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A Biblical Approach to Developing the Inner Qualities of a Leader
There is no greater time than now in our postmodern and turbulent time for a refined understanding of Christian leadership and how a person is formed spiritually in Christ. This understanding is necessary to counteract the impact of postmodern beliefs on ethical leadership. Further, leadership research has evolved to a point where we can no longer understand qualities of leadership character, but must understand also the process of "how" leaders develop into "good" and "godly" leaders. With this in mind, this book focuses on the assertion that leadership, or influence, does not arise from a concerted, directed effort, but occurs through and by way of a leader's character that is enveloped by God's moral and virtuous character. This formation process is not simplistic in nature. Surface level reading of Scripture might not reveal the deepest insight possible as to what is required for spiritual transformation. Instead, insight that transcends reading the Scriptures through our own cultural lens that is accomplished by way of a social-historical analysis of the first-century church is deeply needed for understanding the complexity and intricacies associated with defining leadership character and how it is formed. Based on this form of biblical analysis this book seeks to explain how virtue is developed, the tools God uses to develop virtue, cultural barriers that prevent spiritual formation, and what form of leadership is needed in the multi-cultural world global organizations must operate in.
Impressive, though at times imposing, exploration of incorporating biblical precepts into the study of leadership. Faulhaber explains leadership as "an outcome or manifestation of [a] person's character." As such, from the Christian perspective, as a person's character becomes more Christlike, that person becomes a more effective leader. Faulhaber encourages leadership based upon love of others, r