The Alexiad (Penguin Classics)
Arab Historians of the Crusades (Islamic World series)
Chronicles of the Crusades (Penguin Classics)
The Crusades: A Reader (Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures, Vol. VIII)
The Book of Contemplation: Islam and the Crusades (Penguin Classics)
The Conquest of Jerusalem and the Third Crusade: Sources in Translation (Crusade Texts in Translation)
The Crusades: A Reader, Second Edition (Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures)
The Crusades: A History
The Crusades and the Christian World of the East: Rough Tolerance (The Middle Ages Series)
The Rare and Excellent History of Saladin or al-Nawadir al-Sultaniyya wa'l-Mahasin al-Yusufiyya by Baha' al-Din Ibn Shaddad (Crusade Texts in Translation)