The matter of it is not original, and (I thank God) the conclusion of it is not original either. But, so long as minds differ, there must always be some difference in the most hackneyed of pilgrimages, as the pilgrims compare notes at the Confessio. I have tried to avoid all references that could be damaging to anybody but myself ;if and where I have failed, I must take this opportunity to ask forgiveness. The publishing of autobiographies by the obscure is always, in any case, a target for criticism ;but even obscure things have an interest; let us call it an autobiology. And before you say self-advertisement think, what a bad advertisement. In explanation of the A tneid-fnotif which runs through the chapter-headings and parts of the book, I had perhaps better give the key to a somewhat obvious set of symbols. Troy is undisturbed and in a sense unreflective religion; in most lives it is overthrown, either to be rebuilt or to be replaced. The Greeks are the doubts which overthrow it. The miniature Troy of Helenus is the effort to reconstruct that religion exactly as it was. Carthage is any false goal that, for a time, seems to claim finality And Rome is Rome. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
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