A Stroke Survivor's Emotional Journey to Hell and Back
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A Stroke Survivor's Emotional Journey to Hell and Back
How a Stroke Survivor and his family deal with the emotional roller-coaster ride following a massive Stroke. This is a true story of a Stroke that took us totally by surprise on a beautiful day in February 2011. This massive Stroke was caused by having Atrial Fibrilation or Irregular Heartbeat. Terry, at 61 was totally paralyzed on his left side at the time. After this happened, we did a lot of research and there is a lot about the physical aspects of a Stroke, however, none that we could find dealt with the emotional changes in a Stroke Victim which we felt were far more important. Most people today recognize the power of the mind to influence sickness, disease and recovery. Unfortunately there is still a lot of misinformation about this area and it is often ignored altogether. We both can now see just how important the mind is in regard to someone having a Stroke in particular. There is a lot of mind chatter going on in the head and such a lot of it is not even valid. During the time after the Stroke that Terry had, his mind played heaps of tricks on him. He would look at me as if I was out to get him (in some way). This was totally irrational as we do have a fantastic marriage and are still on our honeymoon after 42 years of a fantastic marriage, 5 kids and 12 grandbabies later. This was very hard for me to deal with initially as I just couldn't work out why he could think that way. After a while we worked out and initiated 21 strategies to help get us both through this and we do hope that the reader also gain some insight into the mind of a Stroke victim. If you are a Stroke Survivor or know someone who is one, then feel free to contact us through our website http://shmilypublishing.com. We will answer all genuine emails.