A Year Off: A Story About Traveling the World—And How to Make It Happen For You
Wait for me... Who knew the power three little words could have in starting an international travel adventure?
A Year Off is one part memoir, one part travel essays and one part travel guide, documenting the story of Alexandra and David Brown, a couple who decided to take a year off from their jobs and 'regular lives' to travel the world together after only knowing each other for four months. Each chapter tackles a different part of the journey, including:
  - Practical takeaways for how to take the same leap and travel, including tips on budgeting, planning, pacing and adjusting to culture shock
  - A look into David and Alexandra's story as they traveled the world together and got to know one another
  - Colorful memories of their travels, including a dramatic kayak ride in Milford Sound, New Zealand, an emotional evening in India, a life-changing meal in the Loire Valley, France, a hilarious makeover in Romania... and many more
This inspiring book is for all the dreamers, would-be adventurers and endearingly practical professionals looking to scratch the travel itch. With many gorgeous photographs and actionable travel advice, A Year Off captures all the beauty and magic of the wanderlust spirit, guiding readers on how to take the same leap and showing them just how doable a journey this type of round-the-world travel is.