41PCS Ovulation Test Kit, AFAC 20 Ovulation Sticks with 20 Free Urine Cups + 1 Ovulation Calculator Calendar, Ovulation Predictor Kit, LH Ovulation Tests, Fertility Test
The length of the menstrual cycle is the duration from your first menstrual bleeding day to the
day before the first bleeding of the following cycle. Be aware of the length of your menstrual
cycle before testing. Please refer to the chart below to determine when you should start
testing. If your cycle is shorter than 21 days or longer than 38 days, consult a physician. If
you do not know the length of your cycle, you can begin the test 11 days after your first
period, since the average cycle length is 28 days. Perform one test each day over a 5 days
period, or until an LH surge has been detected.
For example, if your cycle is normally 26 days, the cycle chart indicates testing should begin
on day 10. The following calendar shows how to determine the day to begin testing.
Negative (no LH surge): Only one color band appears on the control region, or the test
band appears, but is lighter than the control band. This means there is no LH surge.
Positive (LH surge): If two color bands are visible, and the test band is equal to or darker
than the control band, ovulation is likely within the next 24-48 hours. If trying to get
pregnant, the best time to have intercourse is within this period.
Invalid: No visible band at all, or only in the test region and not in the control region. In
this case, please repeat with a new test kit. If the test is invalid again, please contact the
distributor or the store where you bought the product and include the lot number (found on
the packaging).
Package Contents:
20× Ovulation Test Sticks
20× Urine Cups
1× User Manual