AHA Moment. The Divine Phenomenon : How To Activate And Utilize The Creative Spark Of Insights That Shape Our World
Can a Single Moment Set Off the Life Revolution You’ve Always Dreamed Of? It’s Time to Find Out!
These days, small is the new big, and little hinges swing big doors. Yet when you’re facing the journey of a thousand steps, how do you honestly move forward? One step at a time, even if you think you couldn’t possibly begin. The destination you’ve always dreamed of is closer than you imagined, if only you’d take action.
What kind of action? The right action, based on minimalist ideas, proven historical outcomes, and the right mindset, of course!
Minimalism Moves the Message
Cluttered inbox? Desk full of sticky notes? Phone message system teeming with unread texts? Don’t worry; it’s the usual way of things in our everyday lives. Yet minimalism moves the message forward, helps us reach our goals, and brings a sense of inner peace that you have to experience firsthand.
Let’s get there, together.
Timely Wisdom, Encouragement, and Action Steps – In a Super-Minimalist Format You’ll Reference Over and Over Again
If you’re looking for something to help move you forward, The Aha Moment: How to Activate and Utilize Your Creative Spark of Insights That Shape Our Worldis a great fire-starter, so to speak. Short, colorful stories help you begin to see how these tiny moments you may overlook every day can lead to the life you’ve always wanted.
When you pick up a copy of The Aha Moment, you’ll learn:
How to classify those every day aha moments, so you’ll always know how to take action
How a genius inventor went from drawing a blank to solving one of the cleverest challenges of his time
The best way to reset your mindset so that the aha moments in life don’t pass you by
A solid way to read and catch the unseen aha moments in all of your favorite books (including audio recordings!)
Why it’s so hard to take action from books filled with universally-held great advice (it’s really due to a problem that 99% of us have, not the quality of the work!)
And much more
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