Contains one (1) API POND MELAFIX Pond Fish Remedy 16-Ounce Bottle
Heals and repairs damaged fins, ulcers and open wounds
Contains natural, botanical tea tree extract to quickly and rapidly help fish
Helps treat newly-introduced fish to reduce risk of outbreak in freshwater ponds
Use daily for a week when treating and for three days as a preventative when adding new fish
API POND MELAFIX Pond Fish Bacterial Infection Remedy uses the antibacterial properties of tea tree (Melaleuca) to treat bacterial infections in pond fish, including ulcers, open wounds, and fin and tail rot. Healing and tissue re-growth can often be seen within four days of treatment. API POND MELAFIX Pond Fish Bacterial Infection Remedy will not harm the biological filter and is safe for snails, aquatic plants and other wildlife. API POND MELAFIX is also recommended when adding new fish to a pond to reduce the risk of disease outbreak. This product is for use in freshwater and marine (saltwater) ponds only; do not use it in aquariums or other types of ponds. With API POND products, it’s easy to keep a beautiful pond. For over 50 years, API has been creating innovative, research-driven solutions that make it easier to care for your pond. API POND Pond Treatment Supplies are designed to work in conjunction with each other to provide best results to control algae, promote healthy bacterial growth and help control and cure fish diseases and conditions such as ich and fin rot. They work to provide a safe, hospitable environment for fish such as koi, catfish, perch, goldfish and more. With API, you can spend more time admiring your fish, and less time scrubbing your pond. Make sure to use all products as directed in order to ensure the best results.