Armor GelTM is the wound dressing gel for all ages and all activities. It is built to protect wounds so you can stay focused on the task at hand. Armor Gel is the perfect wound dressing gel to help you get back in the game. Whether your risk profile involves sporting activities, wilderness training or tactical situations, Armor Gel wound dressing can help mitigate the effects of: Minor Cuts Lacerations Abrasions 1st and 2nd Degree Burns Skin Irritations ARMOR GELTM HAS BEEN EVALUATED IN STANDARD TESTS THAT SHOW IT CAN REDUCE THE LEVELS OF COMMON MICROORGANISMS INCLUDING: Staphylococcus aureus Pseudomonas aeruginosa Escherichia coli MRSA and VRE as well as fungi such as Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger Technical Information: What ingredients does Armor GelTM contain? Armor GelTM contains 24ppm proprietary silver (purified water, nano-silver at .01 micron), TEA and Carbomer. What makes Armor GelTM different from other silver products available on the market today? Armor GelTM is manufactured using a patented technology to produce metallic silver nanoparticles (Ag0) coated with tetrasilver tetroxide (Ag4O4). Armor GelTM has both ionic and covalent bonding properties. The metallic core (Ag0) facilitates continuous electron transfer, versus an action of single-electron transfer per silver ion. Net Weight: ½ oz Size: 4"L x 1¼"W x 1¼"H