AT-A-GLANCE Group Daily Appointment Book/Planner 2017, Eight Person, 8-1/2 x 10-7/8", Black (70-212-77)
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AT-A-GLANCE Group Daily Appointment Book/Planner 2017, Eight Person, 8-1/2 x 10-7/8", Black (70-212-77)
Plan and manage time for up to 8 individuals in this wirebound appointment book
Appointment book is daily with a 12 month date range from January - December. Comes in two volumes: January - June and July - December with Julian dates.
One day per two page spread shows 8 vertical columns, one for each person to keep multi-person planning neatly organized and easy to read
Plan and manage time for up to 8 individuals in this one appointment book. Appointment book is daily with a 12 month date range from January - December. Comes in two volumes: January - June and July - December. Julian dates. One day per two page spread shows 8 vertical columns, one for each person to keep the multi-person planning neatly organized and easy to read. Features quarter-hourly appointment times to schedule meeting and tasks in 15 minute intervals from 8:00 a.M. - 7:30 p.M. Half-hour slots at the start and end of day from 7:00 a.M. - 8:00 a.M. And 7:00 p.M. - 8:00 p.M. Provide extra flexibility. Two past, current and five months future reference are shown on each daily spread for quick date checking. Appointment book is printed on premium paper that resists ink bleed and contains 30% post-consumer waste recycled material. Wire bound with a black, simulated leather cover. 8-1/2 x 10-7/8" age size.