Auschwitz Escape is a World War II novel that chronicles the trials of a young man during the darkest days of the Nazi invasion. Stefan Wetzel is a courier whose business, school, and family are devastated by sudden war. His sole desire is to join the Polish underground and strike back at his oppressors.
He finds himself hiding fellow Jews within the city of Wroclaw, pitting himself against the Nazis in a high stakes duel. Odds favor arrest and imprisonment in the concentration camp system. In these dens of death, his efforts are redirected to saving himself. His ordeal requires strategy and attention to detail in outwitting his oppressors, which ultimately uncover the chance to live again.
Even Hitler’s SS cannot stop the flowering of love in a young man’s heart. Stefan’s brave actions are fortified by a woman he protects, and both find themselves in a tangle of tortured love.
Historical fiction at its finest. The story is based on true stories of Holocaust survivors, Auschwitz extermination camp, and the facts of World War II Nazi methods.