Can be used for both red and white wines, and require NO adjustments or pretreatments. The test formula has been adjusted to accommodate colored samples
Get an accurate measurement of FREE sulfur dioxide, something critical to make sure your wine will be stable enabling proper aging
Total sulfur dioxide present in must and wine is not as useful as a preservative as just free sulfur dioxide, as total SO2 is equal to free + bound. THIS TEST ONLY MEASURES FREE SO2.
No instrumentation or equipment needed for accurate results - just what comes in the package
No sample prep required, enabling you to get actionable results in a matter of minutes!
This Accuvin Free SO2 Kit includes 2 High Range Tests (red caps) and 8 Low Range Tests (green caps), 10 samplers/redydration tubes with caps, color chart and insert with complete instructions. The insert also includes a Summary explaining how to use the test results. Why is an accurate SO2 level so important? SO2 levels that are too low leave your wine at risk of spoilage and too high a level will taint your wine possibly leaving it unpalatable.