Born of the author's own experience working with teachers and principals, Action Research, Fourth Edition, provides a research-based step-by-step outline of how to do action research. The author guides teachers and administrators through the action research process via numerous concrete illustrations; positioning it as a fundamental component of teaching.
Action Research helps to develop teachers and administrators with professional attitudes, who embrace action, progress, and reform.
Balanced coverage of quantitative data collection and analysis techniques
- Chapter 4, Data Collection Techniques, covers collection techniques for the most frequently used qualitative and quantitative data, including observations, interviews, teacher-made tests, and standardized test data.
- Chapter 6, Data Analysis and Interpretation, guides students through data analysis and provides techniques, coding guidelines, and examples for analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data.
- Additional coverage of mixed methods research has been added throughout the book.
A focus on producing critical consumers of action research
- A new chapter, Evaluating Action Research (Chapter 9), helps students become critical consumers of research.Â
- Included in Chapter 9 is an article from an action research journal that is analyzed using the new criteria for evaluating action research.
- Appendix A, Action Research in Action, contains an extended example and evaluation of an action research case study.
An expanded coverage of ethics
- Chapter 2, Ethics, provides an expanded discussion of ethical guidelines and provides guidance for seeking and obtaining Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval.
Integration to the MyEducationLab for Action Research website
- The fourth edition of Action Research includes margin note integration with MyEducationLab for Action Research, a dynamic online learning environment that provides students with the opportunity to build a better understanding of action research through engagement with real products from the research process.Â
A user-friendly format
- Chapter objectives give students targets to shoot for as they read and study
- Key Concept boxes provide students with an efficient review of important vocabulary and theory
- Research in Action checklists provide students with guidelines to use in each stage of the action research process