The Adjustable Hearing Screener and Fit Check allows you to quickly test whether your hearing protection ear plugs are properly inserted and providing the best amount of noise blocking possible. This screening device also allows for quick hearing acuity tests in a variety of environments and settings. When it comes to hearing protection ear plugs, the single most important factor in getting the full NRR/SNR noise protection the product offers is getting a good fit. Unfortunately, earplug users do not always know how to properly insert their earplugs. Earplugs must be inserted at the proper depth, without any wrinkles or other anomalies, and they must also be an appropriate size for the wearer. Some individuals have larger- or smaller-than-average ear canals, and ear canal size doesn't always correspond with an individual's gender, height, etc. With no universal standards for earplug sizes, it can be difficult to ensure the earplugs fit well and are truly being worn properly and to gain their best noise blocking effect. This Adjustable Hearing Screener and Fit Check device take the guesswork out of determining whether hearing protection ear plugs are inserted and fitted properly by providing a simple, portable, and affordable test. Testing takes only 5-7 minutes and can be conducted on the job or at home. The Adjustable Hearing Screener & Fit Check device features 4 adjustable pulse tone frequencies (500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz and 4000 Hz) and 5 adjustable intensity levels (40 dB, 50 dB, 60 dB, 70 dB and 80 dB). This allows you to test your hearing protection at a variety of volumes and frequencies, which is ideal for ensuring OSHA compliance in the workplace, as well as for testing the effectiveness of your hearing protection under various other noisy conditions. Screening Result Chart on our pdf library.