Check measurements in photo to ensure which is correct lock for your needs
Key is ONLY removable while locked. Key STAYS in when unlocked for safety
Each lock comes with 2 keys. Additional locks in same order will be keyed the same
Order multiple sets and all cam locks in the order will be keyed the same. Keyed the same (all keys work with locks)
Order multiple sets OF THE SAME LENGTH and all locks in the order will be keyed the same. Locks of different lengths CAN NOT be keyed the same. 5/8 inch (16mm) Tubular Cam Lock Length Cam is 46mm long. Locks are keyed alike - 5/8" Cylinder Length The Tubular SEE PICTURES FOR MEASUREMENTS The tubular cam lock is keyed alike (all keys to all the locks you buy will work with each on all of your locks). It is key retaining - The key stays in while unlocks so you don't lose any keys. Great for RV, cabinet, toolbox