Recognized as one of the leading texts in the field, the Seventh Edition of Cobb s Adolescence provides an up-to-date and thorough review of current research and theory. Praised for its accessible writing style, this book is distinguished by its comprehensive coverage of identity research, gender, ethnic diversity, and issues relevant to early versus late adolescence and emerging adulthood. More specifically, key strengths include: * A Strong Research Base Discussions of concepts in the text are based on current research findings. Research Focus boxes in each chapter pose practical problems and illustrate how researchers have approached these. Taken together, these boxes provide students with an understanding of research methodology in developmental psychology. * Writing Style The text is written in an informal, engaging style that holds students interest and renders even relatively difficult concepts easy for students to grasp. * Unifying Themes Four themes run through each of the chapters and weave together the various elements of the text. These are gender, ethnic diversity, distinctions among early versus late adolescents, and the overarching theme of adolescence as a search for a stable personal identity. * Currency Statistics throughout the text are drawn from current research in peer-reviewed journals and sources such as the latest census compilations, CDC data, educational digest figures, etc. Chapters open with a brief vignette followed by an overview of the chapter. Key terms are highlighted in the text and defined in the margin of the page where they appear. In More Depth boxes bring to life the research and theories presented in the text by showing real-world applications and the words and thoughts of actual adolescents. Completely new chapter-ending Summary and Key Terms are organized according to chapter sections for easy reference and review of the main concepts and terminology.
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