Focuses on the advanced clinical management of hospitalized patients that fall between primary care and critical care.
Encompasses all aspects of acute care, including non-disease causes of illness and medical conditions.
Describes the CNS’s three spheres of influence: The Patient, Nursing/Healthcare Professional, and Organization/System, and uses a change agency, data-driven model for nursing and organizational leadership to address the nursing/healthcare professional and organizational/system sphere that CNSs can influence.
Integrates the seven core competencies of the CNS as described by the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN).
Uses a body systems approach that covers pathophysiology, clinical presentation, nursing interventions, as well as pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic management strategies for each disorder define the CNS role as it relates to the patient.
Features tables highlighting practice guidelines and treatment algorithms.
Includes methods of data aggregation, use of research, and guidelines to improve outcomes and quality of care.