The 1N34A is a stander point contact germanium diode
The diode is a high impedance diode which takes little power to allow current to flow in one direction only
They are used in crystal radio sets that have no outside power input
The 1N34A germanium diode is used for the detection of the rectifying efficiency or for the switching on of a AM/FM radio, TV, or stereo
Note: If the 1N34A germanium diode is rusty that you received, please don't worry. It is a normal situation due to has different material, it will not impact your project
Specifications: Peak Inv. voltage(PIV): 60 Volts Max average rectified current: 50mA @ 25 deg C Junction temperature (TJ): 100 deg C Max. FWD voltage drop(VF): 1.0V @ 5.0 mA Reverse current: IR 15uA @ VR 10 volts