Just because your beard is manly, it doesn't mean you shouldn't take good care of it. Using a comb that's made for the hair on your head (or no comb at all) can nullify all the hard work and patience it took to grow it when your beard ends up unhealthy, wiry, dry, and uncomfortably split and scratchy. Since horn combs are made from the same material as hair, the meeting of the comb to your beard won't create a static charge. High quality horn is also the ideal material for evenly distributing oil and gently detangling beads of any length. By nature, all horn beard combs are completely unique. A rougher texture is left on one side to improve grip while the other side is polished to a handsome shine. Handcrafted 100% horn beard comb for the beard enthusiast. Features a textured handle and polished and smooth bristles for a unique look and feel. A perfect addition for any beard wearer.