112 pages, 1x8.5 horizontal format. "'All About Railroading-Second Edition' is the book for new hires and young adults who want to learn the basics of today's fascinating, high-tech railway industry. "Newly revised and expanded from the original edition, All About Railroading presents-in 112 beautifully illustrated pages containing nearly 200 color photographs and diagrams-every aspect of the North American railway industry: freight operations, freight locomotives, freight cars, intercity and commuter rail, light rail, rapid transit, engineering, and signaling & communications. Plus, there's a glossary of railroad terms and an information resource directory listing dozens of websites.With thousands of new people expected to join the railway industry over the next few years, this book is designed to provide them with the information they need! Softcover. "Show newly hired employees more about railroad careers! 'All About Railroading' is the perfect way to introduce your newly hired employees to the many careers in and basic concepts of railroading. Contributions from leaders in the industry will help expose new employees to the many facets of today's railroads. "Find out what railroading today is really all about! • See how many thousands of tons a coal train two miles long can carry. • Ride Amtrak's high speed train at 150 miles per hour. • Dispatch a freight train across hundreds of miles of railroad. • Ride in the cab of a push-pull commuter train. • Replace ties and weld rail with a track maintenance crew. • Step on board a low-floor light rail vehicle • Navigate New York City's complex subway network. • Plus much, much more . . ."