DiskWarrior is the safest, the most technologically advanced, and the most powerful utility to eliminate directory damage available for any computer. DiskWarrior uses a different approach to disk directory repair than other programs. DiskWarrior is not a disk repair program in the conventional sense. Instead of patching the original directory, it uses a patent-pending technology to quickly build a new replacement directory using data recovered from the original directory, thereby recovering files and folders that you thought were lost and that no other program could recover. Monitors drive hardware for potential drive failure Verification of replacement directory ensures data integrity Comparison of original directory with replacement directory tells you which files and folders may have been affected by directory damage Patented preview feature to view what the disk will look like after the directory is rebuilt, allowing you to view files and folders before any directory changes are written to disk Repairs damaged boot blocks and blesses the system folder to ensure that the computer will start from the repaired disk Compaitble with OS X versions up to Snow Leopard Not Compatible with OS X Lion