Amazon Prime Photos: Your Guide to Amazon's New UNLIMITED Cloud Photo Storage Service
Learn the ins and outs of Amazon's newest Prime benefit!
With Markus Bennett and #1 bestselling author Charles Tulley
Did you know that Amazon now includes UNLIMITED photo storage for all Amazon Prime users? It's true, it's amazing, and this book will show you the ins and outs of this fabulous new service.
With detailed screenshots and comprehensive coverage of Prime Photos, this book will explain what the service is, why you might want to use it, the pros and cons of it, how it stacks up to the competition and more.
Best of all, this guide book is only $0.99, so whether or not you choose to Prime Photos, by the time you finish reading it you'll have the knowledge to make an informed decision.
Please note this book is intended for USA-based customers, and the information contained within may not apply to Amazon customers outside the USA.