Vale of Kashmir is too well known to require description. It is the happy hunting-ground of the A nglo-I ndian sportsman and tourist, the resort of artists and invalids, the home of 2ishm shawls and exquisitely embroidered fabrics, and the land of Lalla Rookh. I ts inhabitants, chiefly Moslems, infamously governed by Hindus, are a feeble race, attracting little interest, valuable to travellers as coolies or porters, and repulsive to them from the mingled cunning and obsequiousness which have been fostered by ages of oppression. But even for them there is the dawn of hope, for the Church Missionary Society has a strong medical and educational mission at the capital, a hospital and dispensary under the charge of a lady M.D. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
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