An Entrepreneur's Guide to the Exploding World of eSports: Understanding the Commercial Significance of Counter-Strike, League of Legends and DotA 2 (Unconventional Entrepreneurs Book 3)
eSports is rapidly evolving into a global multi-billion dollar industry, but the window of opportunity will not be open for much longer. Although everybody from Yahoo to ESPN is fast moving in, there are still many openings for the forward thinking entrepreneurs to become involved. Beyond explaining the current state of the eSports ecosphere, this book looks in detail at a wide selection of niches waiting to be filled by smaller businesses. Whether you are looking for a career in eSports or have an idea for an eSports related start up, this books look at all the major new economic sectors that are being created by this internet enabled phenomena. As well as tips on becoming a pro-player, a coach or a streamer, it also looks at the possibilities for investors, looking at everything from gambling to corporate hospitality. It explains the importance of bespoke venues, compares the growth of eSports to existing sports and looks at some of the most exciting emerging eSports regions.