An Introduction to Theology in Global Perspective
Offers a comprehensive guide to doing theology as part of the Catholic ecclesial community in today's globalized world.
An Introduction to Theology in Global Perspective emphasizes that theology is an activity, a process that is anchored in Scripture but interpreted by ecclesial tradition and the magisterium. This theology is rooted in the experience that divine is found in a sacramental world and community.
This book also describes a systematic theology as refelction upon the church's central teachings on creation, sin, redemption, the Trinity, anthropology, ecclesiology, salvation, and eternal life.
"A remarkable achievement. In this volume the reader benefits from ascholar's mastery of theological tradition, the clarity and insight of a brillian teacher, the sophisticated global contextualization that comes from a lifelong commitment to Christian mission, and the humility of a committed spiritual pilgrim."--Richard R. Gaillardetz, University of Toledo