The 2nd edition of analog integrated circuit design focuses on more coverage about several types of circuits that have increased in importance in the past decade. Furthermore, the text is enhanced with material on cmos ic device modeling, updated processing layout and expanded coverage to reflect technical innovations. Cmos devices and circuits have more influence in this edition as well as a reduced amount of text on bicmos and bipolar information. New chapters include topics on frequency response of analog ics and basic theory of feedback amplifiers. Table of contents: integrated-circuit devices and modeling processing and layout basic current mirrors and single-stage amplifiers frequency response of electronic circuits feedback amplifiers basic opamp design and compensation biasing, references and regulators bipolar devices and circuits noise and linearity analysis and modeling comparators sample-and-hold and trans linear circuits continuous-time filters discrete-time signals switched-capacitor circuits data converter fundamentals nyquist-rate d/a converters nyquist-rate a/d converters oversampling converters phase-locked loops index