Ancient Rome: A New History
The new Second Edition of the definitive history of Rome―from its beginnings to the Arab conquest, and beyond.
The Second Edition adds further nuance to its highly readable narrative with extended coverage of the following:
• The evolution of Roman historiography and early Roman rites
• The Roman state and Latin literature in the second century BC
• The use of the fleet in the First Punic War
• The Late Republic
• The development of courtlike structures in the decades before the death of Caesar
• The Roman army, including evidence from Vindolanda
• Constantine’s conversion to Christianity
Incorporating contributions from economics, archaeology, anthropology, literary criticism, and primary sources, David Potter’s thought-provoking and accessible text shows students how Roman historians evaluate evidence from sources as diverse as art, coins, and architecture. The book is beautifully illustrated with over 200 illustrations―maps, battle plans, portraits, paintings, sculpture, and more.
200 illustrations, 149 in color