Anglo Concertina in the Harmonic Style
Have you always wanted to play the 30-button Anglo concertina with more than just a simple one-note melody? This tutor will teach you how to play with chords and full harmonies in a wide variety of musical styles.The book includes 60 tunes with full chords and increasingly complex arrangements. Of all the other Anglo tutors out there, the tablature system presented here is by far and away the easiest to understand and play.In addition to tunes and exercises for beginning players, this tutor also presents more difficult tunes that have been carefully transcribed from recordings of the top Anglo concertina players of the last several decades.The playing of William Kimber, John Kirkpatrick, Jody Kruskal, Bertram Levy, Kenneth N.J. Loveless, Brian Peters, Andy Turner, John Watcham and many others are showcased to help you learn and develop your own unique style on this surprisingly versatile acoustic little squeezebox.Instead of including a CD with the book, most of the tunes can be found on the "anglotutor" playlist on YouTube where you can both see and hear them being played on a 30-button C/G Anglo concertina.